BDG70_A revolta do cómic galego_english version


Data de publicación: 2022
Número de páxinas: 278


COLECCIÓN LIBROS INSTITUCIONAIS: N.º 18 |ISBN: 978-84-9749-831-9 |2022|278pps |P.V.P. : 60 euros

Editora: Servizo de Publicacións da UDC

This publication is the graphic memory of the projectexhibition BDG70. The revolt of the Galician comic, developedby the University of A Coruña through Normal-Espacio de Intervención Cultural, with the support of the Deputation of A Coruña and production of Demo Cultural. The exhibition project has its origins in the doctoral thesis of Xulio Carballo Dopico, who opened a path that now ends.The SPU would like to make a special mention of Professor Álvaro Pons for his contribution in this English version and interesting prologue.